Human Rights

The German Supply Chain Act

Human Rights

DP World is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and its ten principles, which encompass human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption

DP World respects and supports the dignity, wellbeing and human rights of its employees, and the workers in our extended supply chain.

In addition to the ten principles of the UNGC, we are committed to following international standards, among others:

  • United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
  • United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; and
  • Core labour standards of the International Labour Organizations (ILO) on labour and social standards.

The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act – (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG)

This is the first binding regulation for companies in Germany who must comply to protect human rights and environmental concerns along the supply chain.

To this end, the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act cites international conventions which defines human rights and environmental risks typical of the supply chain that must be taken into account when fulfilling due diligence obligations.

The due diligence obligations include:

  • Set up risk Management
  • Appoint human rights officer
  • Publish policy statement
  • Perform risk analysis
  • Define and implement preventive measures
  • Plan remedial action
  • Set up complaints procedure
  • Documentation and reporting obligation

The Human Rights Officer

DP World has created the position of Human Rights Officer to monitor and ensure compliance with human rights. DP World has a Human Rights Officer who is the first point of contact for all human rights issues raised by management, employees or the authorities.

The Human Rights Officer monitors the adequacy and effectiveness of risk management to ensure compliance with due diligence obligations under the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and to implement risk-based control measures. In doing so, the Human Rights Officer fulfills the tasks prescribed by law in Section 4 (3) of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).

For questions about human rights or environmental law-related issues in Germany, please email the Human Rights Officer at [email protected].

Grievance Mechanism

DP World is committed to conducting its business with the highest standards of honesty and integrity.

For this purpose, DP World has established a global and group-wide grievance management system to enable employees, business partners and suppliers to report circumstances that indicate a violation of human and environmental rights along the value chain.

All concerns in relation to any human rights or environmental violations or incidents can be reported through the following channels:

Whistleblowing Hotline

Online - external:

Human Rights and Environmental Risks

In order to specify which human rights and environmental risks typically occur along supply chains, the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act lists the following prohibitions:

Human rights

  • Child labour, forced labour, slavery
  • Disregard for occupational health and safety
  • Disregard for freedom of association
  • Unequal treatment in employment
  • The contracting/use of private/use of public Security forces in violation of human rights
  • Deprivation of decent wages
  • Unlawful eviction of land, forests and waters
  • Harmful pollution of soil, water and air as well as harmful noise emissions and excessive water consumption


  • Non-environmental handling, collection, storage and disposal of waste
  • Production and use of persistent organic pollutants (Stockholm Convention)
  • Manufacture of mercury-added products, use of mercury and mercury compounds, treatment of mercury waste (Minamata Convention)
  • Export and import of hazardous waste (Basel Convention)