Tariffs and Charges

Tariffs and Charges

A full breakdown of our prices and public tariffs

Public Tariff


Download the Southampton Public Tariff 2024.


Please note an amendment to the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Fee with effect from 1 January 2024. See our ISPS fee customer advisory for further information.


From 1 July 2024, our Energy Adjustment Mechanism (EAM) will be revised. Please see confirmation of this in our customer advisory.

On 1 October 2021 we introduced an Energy Transition Contribution (ETC). From 1 July 2024, our Energy Transition Contribution will be adjusted. Please read our customer advisory which contains further information.

In April 2022 we introduced a Fuel Duty Recovery (FDR) charge. To find out more information, please read our Energy Adjustment Mechanism & Fuel Duty Recovery customer advisory.


Modal Shift Programme (MSP)

The Modal Shift Programme (MSP) Trial was introduced on 1st September 2023 to help increase the financial attractiveness of rail for import laden containers. Due to the success of moving containers from road to rail, the MSP Trial has been extended to the end of December 2025.

The financial incentive for imports routed by rail is paid for by a relatively small charge on all import laden containers coming through DP World Southampton. 

MSP aims to encourage supply chain partners to actively choose rail for their supply chain shipments, therefore helping cargo owners and the wider UK industry to reduce carbon emissions and achieve net zero aspirations. 

For further information, please see our latest customer advisory.


Vehicle Booking System (VBS) Charges

View the Landside Business Update and Annual Adjustment of Vehicle Booking System (VBS) Service Charges - 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025 announcement.

For Vehicle Booking System (VBS) charges, please visit our dedicated VBS page.

*Please note that our prices and public tariffs are subject to annual RPI changes.

Vehicle Booking System

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Container Weighing

The UK's quickest fully integrated container weighing solution.

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Terminal Information

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