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Global Education Programme
In 2017, DP World Brazil developed an important project called Global Education Program. DP World, the terminal’s shareholder, designed the project, which is being carried out in over 70 countries aiming to raise awareness about port logistics among children and young people in the regions where the company operates.
DP World Brazil chose the Monte Cabral Municipal School, located in Continental Santos to carry out the project.
The program has eight modules that cover topics related to the operation of the terminal, associating learning about the port to regular school subjects and sensory activities. In each module, a DP World employee goes to the school to teach about his area of expertise and work.
At the end of all modules, students are taken on a visit to DP World Brazil to see in practice what was taught during class. The visit also includes a catamaran tour through the Port of Santos, a bus visit to the terminal’s operations area and the awarding of certificates.
DP World Brazil is one of the major promoters of sports projects in the region, sponsored by PROMIFAE (Municipal Sports Tax Incentive Program), an initiative that encourages companies in the region to dedicate up to 20% of their municipal tax for sports projects based in Santos.
Since 2015, DP World has been increasing its participation in Promifae, and has already invested around BRL 5 million in more than 60 projects in modalities such as artistic gymnastics, canoeing, futsal, crossfit, volleyball, triathlon, swimming, surfing, skateboarding , trekking, cycling, among others. In addition to impacting the lives of hundreds of people, DP World is the company that most contributes to Promifae in Santos. In 2022, the company began cultural contributions, through the most recent Municipal Program of Fiscal Incentive to Support Culture, from the Municipality of Santos, Promicult.
Ecoférias Project
Ecoférias Project is an initiative carried out by DP World Brazil as part of the Environmental Education Program performed on Diana Island.
The initiative is aimed at the community’s children and teenagers, and is carried out annually during school holidays with a goal to teach environmental education to the younger community members through the adoption of new habits, raising awareness about the rational use of natural resources, the correct disposal of domestic waste and valuation of the Island’s environmental heritage as a tourist attraction.