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AEO (Authorized Economic Operator)
In May 2017, DP World Brazil became the first terminal in the Port of Santos to achieve the AEO Certification for Security and Safety.
With this certification, the company became the third port terminal in Brazil to meet the requirements of the World Customs Organization (WCO) Committee’s Global Program.
ISO 28000
Unprecedented Certification in Brazil
In October 2014, DP World Brazil was the first company in Brazil to achieve the ISO 28000 Certification, which is related to the supply chain security management. This certification establishes an international standard for all business processes, prioritizing the quality and security in the terminal’s operations.
ISO 9001
The company also has the ISO 9001 certification, pertaining Quality Management Systems. This certification sets out the guidelines to improve quality management through a series of criteria that help develop internal processes, provide training for team members, monitor the work environment and verify if clients and suppliers are satisfied and to what degree.
The Terminal meets the ISPS (The International Ship and Port Facility Security) Code’s requirements. This Certification was issued in 2013 by Conportos, the Brazilian National Commission for Public Security in Ports, Terminals and Waterways (Conportos – Comissão Nacional de Segurança Pública nos Portos, Terminais e Vias Navegáveis).
Fire Department Inspection (AVCB) Certification
1. Fire Department Certification (AVCB – Auto de Vistoria do Corpo de Bombeiros)
2. City Hall - Operating Licence