The combination of modes in DP World Yarimca

The combination of modes in DP World Yarimca

Date: 10/09/2020

Road, seaway, inland waterway, railway and airline… Each type of transportation has its own advantages and disadvantages. For this reason, integrated transport services, which are offered by using more than one type of Transport, bring many benefits both economically, environmentally and sociologically. The main goal of intermodal transportation, which is developed for companies to deliver their products with the shortest and lowest cost, is to reach an "optimum" combination.


The most advantageous are the transports with rail or sea on their route. Because it saves both time and cost in transports of more than 300 kilometers. DP World Yarımca combines all transport modes and ports with its globally end-to-end service approach. Combining maritime transport, land transport and railway transport for Turkish exporters and importers, DP World Yarımca continues its investments in this field.


One of the latest investments was the railway connection in the port. This allows loads from all regions of Turkey are getting cheaper and safer access to and from the port is being shipped to certain areas of the world. Especially in cities such as Ankara, Eskişehir, Bilecik and Kütahya, which are located in the inner regions of Anatolia, it transports heavy-cost light products such as mines, marble and machinery to the port with much less cost.


DP World also now combines the road and sea route, after the acquisition of UK-based P&O Ferries and the company's logistics unit. While supply chain solutions are offered for 19 points in Europe, a more environmentally friendly transportation model is also provided. By preventing the carbon emission on the highway, the most "optimum" transportation model can be used in terms of the environment.