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Set of Loading or Unloading activities; Lashing or Unlashing; Embarkation or Disembarkation; Portage. Loading or Unloading to inland modes of transport; Storage, Stacking or Commercial Depot, issuance of documents to record the receipt and dispatch of cargo, comprehending its administration and management, and including all resources and activities necessary for the provision of these Services.
This is the right that Ship-owners have, either directly or through their Shipping Agent or representatives, to use the infrastructure and facilities of the Terminal in Handling Major and Minor Merchant Vessels, Major and Minor Special Vessels and Naval Artifacts. Factory Vessels shall receive the same treatment as Merchant Vessels.
This is the right that Ship-owners have, either directly or through their Shipping Agent or representatives and Cargo Shippers or Consignees, either directly or through their representatives, to use the infrastructure and facilities of the Terminal in handling the cargo transported or to be transported on vessels or watercrafts that use the Terminal berths.
Set of Loading or Unloading activities; Lashing or Unlashing; Embarkation or Disembarkation; Portage; Loading or Unloading to inland modes of transport; Storage, Collection or Commercial Deposit; Weighing and Tarping, if necessary, including the issuance of documents that record the receipt and dispatch of the cargo, including its administration and management, covering all the resources and activities necessary for the provision of said Services; it being understood that in the case of Storage, Stacking or Commercial Deposit, these services shall last, in the case of bulk cargo, the Occupancy Time of the vessel.
These are services requested by users and are not included in the basic services established in the Concession Contract and therefore the fees for them are not Subject to Maximum Values. These services are provided with own personnel and equipment or people subcontracted by the Consignee upon the request of the User, and also in accordance with the planning of the operations and the places assigned for them.