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DP World Logistics
Bringing our customers closer to established markets and exploring news ones.
Disruptions to the global supply chain have made the delivery of goods less certain and reliable in recent years. Businesses are looking for new and better solutions that make their logistics more efficient, more agile and more reliable, all while seeking specialised local-to-global expertise that can help move goods where others cannot. While we let our clients and customers focus on making great products, DP World harnesses the best expertise and the most comprehensive end-to-end infrastructure in the industry, integrating best-in-class facilities, multi-modal transport solutions, digital solutions, and market access capabilities into seamless end-to-end supply chains.
We create better ways of moving cargo via cutting-edge innovations that build new ways to take goods to market – helping goods to flow more freely across the world.
Our decades of deep experience at all levels of global logistics have taught us to integrate more closely across our Romanian footprint of ports and terminals.