Delivery at airplane speed for the price of the road transportation

Delivery at airplane speed for the price of the road transportation

Date: 10/09/2020

Fast and safe delivery has become even more important especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. Hyperloop technology, which aims to transport people from one place to another at airplane speed, is also being implemented for cargo. Many countries had a hard time during the pandemic especially in sensitive products such as food and medical supplies. DP World is preparing to put this problem into history by signing one of the most innovative projects in the world. Moreover, it is at the lowest level in terms of cost.

With DP Cargospeed systems based on Virgin Hyperloop One technology developed by DP World, high priority and fast delivery products such as medical supplies and fresh food items will now reach their destination at the speed of light.


Companies carrying medical supplies and food will be able to receive transportation service at the speed of air travel and at the price of road transportation. Aiming to be a pioneer in the sector in terms of occupational safety, customer-oriented service understanding, sustainability and operational excellence, DP World is currently testing the project between Mumbai and Pune.


The new system which will increase the load carrying capacity by connecting with the existing road, railways, ports and air transport modes.It also reduces fixed costs. Storage costs are being reduced by providing faster connections with production facilities, economic regions, distribution centers and city centers. Savings up to 25 percent are achieved in storage.